Everything you want to know about the Cretan Iama from Professor Ch. Lionis!


This is the natural product with herbs from the Cretan land that fights the flu in a natural way. One of the inspirers of the Cretan Spa is the Professor of General Medicine and Primary Health Care at the Department of Medicine of the University of Crete Christos Lionis.

He is one of the most renowned Greek scientists with prestige both in Greece and abroad, given that, among others, he was a member of the Board. of the European Society of General Medicine and Vice-President of the European Research Network in General Medicine.

It is indicative that his research proposals have been funded by the European Union and he has published about 283 articles in foreign language journals and 86 in Greek journals with a review system.
Mr. Lionis talks to HealthReport.gr about the beneficial properties of the Cretan Spa.

1. How does the Cretan yama work?

Cretan yama is already used in the treatment of viral infections of the upper respiratory tract (common cold and flu). Today, its utilization is being studied in the prevention of these infections as well as other properties of the extract of the essential oils that it includes (antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, etc.) and this is the object of a new research design.

2. When does one see relief of symptoms?

It is known that the aromatic plants of the Cretan Yamata have antioxidant activity with this meaning several effects on the health and defense of the body. With this particular preparation, however, we utilize their action against viral infections of the upper respiratory tract and specifically in reducing the transparency and intensity of the symptoms of the common cold and flu.

It is recommended to be administered as soon as possible at the onset of the first symptoms by administering 2 soft capsules a day for 7 days.

3. What is the mechanism of action of the Cretan remedy against the flu virus?

It is not widely known, there are several hypotheses and discussions about its anti-viral and anti-inflammatory action.

4. What is special about Cretan herbs compared to the herbs of the rest of Greece?

It is not the intention of the researchers to compare or contrast Cretan Iama with other over-the-counter medications. Let me just emphasize that the recommendations of the Cretan Yamat are based on research (clinical and laboratory) that has been published in reputable international journals.

5. Are there categories of patients in whom the Cretan medicine does not contribute to the improvement of their health?

There are no indications for side effects even from the reading of existing monographs on the specific aromatic plants for the specific aromatic plants and regarding the dosage and duration of use of these aromatic plants. However, it is not recommended for pregnant women and children under 12 years of age, as there is no necessary documentation.

6. Will other similar preparations be created with natural ingredients?

It is in the immediate interests of the Pan research team. Of Crete (participation of Prof. Elias Kastanas, Prof. Ch. Lionis and Prof. G. Sourvinou of the Medical School, Prof. S. Pyrintsos of the Department of Biology) and its priorities. Experimental and clinical work in this direction is already underway.

7. How much do local communities benefit financially from the creation of such preparations with natural products?

The raw material and the extra virgin oil is obtained from the Union of Agricultural Cooperatives of Rethymno (E.A.S.R.). Through the Union, contract farming is promoted as work is assigned to young farmers for the cultivation of standard plants. In other words, benefits for the local community and economy.

8. What clinical studies were performed and what results did they show?

The first clinical observations start from Spili Ag. Vassilios in Crete and the local Health Center as well as the health history of the elderly and their narratives about the contributors to healthy aging led to anthropological studies in collaboration with Prof. Jan Slikkerveer from the University. Leiden who recorded the indigenous knowledge and wisdom of the Cretans that has been preserved for thousands of years.

Anthropological studies quickly led to laboratory research and the first recognition of the antioxidant activity of aromatic plants of Crete was made in The Lancet magazine in 1998. The collaboration with Prof. E. Kastanas, Prof. G. Survinos of Medicine Faculty of the University of Crete and Mr. S. Pyrintso of Biology of the same University led to the formulation of hypotheses about the action of aromatic plants in viral infections and especially those that cause upper respiratory tract infections and influenza.

This hypothesis was reinforced by laboratory tests performed by Prof. Survino of the Medical School and thus led to a clinical trial in humans with several encouraging results published in the International Journal of Ethnopharmacology (2015).

The study involved 105 people, 51 in the placebo group (25 men, 26 women) and 54 in the intervention group (26 men, 28 women) between October 2013 and February 2014. The mean age of the people in the two groups was similar (50.9 years in the placebo group and 50.1 in the intervention group). 29 people (57%) in the placebo group and 28 people (52%) in the intervention group had at least one chronic disease.

9. How was your collaboration with Olvos Science achieved?

Our collaboration with the Olvos Science Company, a subsidiary of the Greek pharmaceutical company Galenica, left the best impressions on all of us researchers. The search for documentation and effectiveness has been our common desire and principle.

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Cretan Iama

Cretan IAMA

A GREEK INNOVATION AND AN INTERNATIONAL PATENT Cretan IAMA Olvos Science is the result of many years of research by distinguished scientists at the University

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